Three Sermon Summaries in ONE WEEK!!?? What!!?? I know, right!!?? Highly unusual behavior from me. LOL IDK, I just feel really productive this week. Between this and making special (nearly matching) Valentine's gifts for myself and Mike, I'm getting a lot done. It's good. I chose to do this message next because I need to watch the missed CenterPoint message online so I can notate it before blogging. I also like to share each message in the order that I received them. :)
No word from Andrea today, as yet. She said yesterday morning that she might have me over today or tomorrow; we'll just have to see.
Meanwhile, when I was almost home from my walk earlier, Mike called me on video chat, unexpectedly. Recently, he decided that one chat in the morning and another at night would generally suffice, unless more were necessary. Anyway, he wanted to tell me that his upcoming Colonoscopy had been canceled by the anesthesiologist. He'd been getting a lot of calls in preparation, and that was hard enough on a man who dislikes the phone as much as he does. (thus the recent limit on ours) Now he has to make NEW arrangements with his doctor and other, more distant facilities. The most likely for this will be Dartmouth. He goes there for pulmonary checks a couple of times a year, I think. Or he had been, anyway. He actually didn't this past year, as far as I can remember. They put him on a CPAP machine a few years ago, but he hasn't done it for about 4 months now. It's supposed to be helping with his COPD, but it really hasn't done anything, at least as far as he can tell. I'm guessing this is why the procedure was canceled. Pray that something can be arranged soon. And just to be clear, it's not that he's had any specific issues. It's just that he turned 50 last May and it's good maintenance. (Especially for someone who's 380 lbs. of love) <3
And so, onward --
Instead of my usual "Message Intro" of giving a personal example of the Sermon to follow; I'm going to preface this one.
Pastor Scott, as I have come to discover, has a unique perspective on certain Biblical passages. It's something I truly appreciate about him; and this message is but one example. I can pretty much guarantee that you've never looked at the story of the Widow's Mite from this viewpoint before. I personally found it both refreshing and encouraging; particularly as someone who has never been financially wealthy, and may never be.*
For starters, here's the Meditative Quote from the November 10th bulletin.
It is not what I do that matters, but what a sovereign God chooses to do through me. God does not want worldly success, He wants me. He wants my heart in submission to Him. Life is not just a few years to spend on self-indulgence and career advancement. It is a privilege, a responsibility, a stewardship to be lived according to a much higher calling, God's calling. This alone gives true meaning to life. - Elizabeth Dole
The Children's Message, presented by Laura Slate, involved a story about how there was a woman who hated birds. At least in the general sense, she did. She found them creepy and dirty, based on their beady eyes and frequent messes on her car. But regardless, she put out a birdfeeder. She eventually discovered that the wrens that visited daily seemed genuinely interested in her and her activities in the house. It was like they wanted to come in and keep her company. She grew to love them; although this didn't increase her love for other types of birds. It did, however, bring a newfound appreciation and respect for them as she realized that each had its unique purpose in the greater scheme of Nature.
The lesson in this was that we should respect all of God's Creation equally, even if there are creatures (or people) we may not have the same liking for. We need to understand and appreciate that, like the other birds from the story, God has a purpose for each one.
It occurs to me here that I may have messed up on my previous Brattleboro post. I mentioned Mike's and my invitation to lunch with his friend, Kevin, and how the Children's message had spoken to me ahead of it. I realize now that this all happened on THIS Sunday afternoon, not the previously blogged date. My apologies.
The Scripture Reading, as indicated above, was from Mark 12:38-44. The story of the Widow's Mite.
Mark 12:38-44
New International Version
Warning Against the Teachers of the Law
38 As he taught, Jesus said, “Watch out for the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, 39 and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. 40 They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men will be punished most severely.”
The Widow’s Offering
41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.
43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”
In starting his message, Pastor Scott compared the Temple in Jerusalem with Centre Church. Both are considered important in their respective locales. As he put it, while the Temple in Jerusalem was a wonder of the World in it's day, CCB is a wonder of Brattleboro.*
He then pointed out that the Temple was undergoing an 80+ yr. renovation, part of which happened during Jesus' lifetime.* As the image below shows, the Temple grounds covered 37 acres (about 6 football fields), and the structure, at its tallest, stood 150 ft. tall. (I wanted to see how big the lot is for CCB, but a brief search came up empty on this question)
Our story takes place in the Court of Women, also known as the Treasury room. It had 13 collection boxes placed around it; each for specific needs of the Temple. At CCB, there is a regular practice of giving a portion of the Offering money to local Charities on the 2nd Sunday of each month.*
Pastor Scott prefaced the story itself by sharing the idea that Jesus was a Sociologist, to a large degree. He observed, analyzed, and then spoke based on His conclusions.
In our passage above, we find Jesus doing this same thing. While He sat and observed, He heard the louder clatter of the rich, pouring in an abundance of coins. But eventually, in stark contrast to this, He heard the mere "plink-plink" of the Widow's Mites.
In preparing his message, Pastor Scott chose to "critique" this passage and look at it from a different aspect. He started by asking the question, "Why was she giving 100% of her income??" This is the undercurrent of the narrative here. This brought him to realize that God would NEVER want us to be broke and unable to cover our bills or buy food. He noted as well, that Jesus didn't end His monologue by saying, "Go and do likewise." Pastor Scott pointed out that, as Jesus came to fulfill the Laws of Israel (Book of Deuteronomy)*, the rich should cover for the poor. (I agree)*
Next, he brought up the idea that the poor are should not be held responsible to tithe. 100% (the Widow's Mite) vs 3% of whatever the Rich earn is simply unjust.
And that is Jesus true message here. Justice and equality, NOT mandatory Tithing/Giving. (Different perspective, like I said) This is supported by the context of the Religious Leaders mentioned ahead of the story in our passage above. It's not about her generosity, as most people see it. Jesus admonition here was to abolish the cheating habits of the Treasurers as they made up their own rules about the amounts expected of each person, depending on their Social Status, or other factors.
The fact is, as Pastor Scott reminded us, is that we are Christians first, citizens of the US second. Our allegiance to God should come before our affiliation or association with any political party. We should pay an equal % for taxes, across the board.
In our Scripture above, Jesus is not praising the woman for giving all she had; but rather accusing her for giving after having been cheated by the Religious Leaders with their "random" rules.
The truth is, we're called to give according to our situation. (See Prov. 3:27 and 2 Cor. 9:7)*
Pastor Scott's closing thought was to have us imagine together that God praises all in giving equal measure. (Not equal amount)
-- God Bless!!
1. I grew up poor, and money was always a struggle during my nearly 19 yrs of marriage, as well. Since moving out in November of 2012, I've been on SSDI most of the time. As to whether or not the "something big" that this blog is meant to be in my life for God includes financial gain, that has yet to be determined. (See my "About" statement or one of those for details) That being said, I realize that I don't yet have a Sales Portal on here; but that's because I don't feel ready for that level of responsibility. Especially not now, until Mike and I can get a place of our own and more of my time is spent in one location.)
2. Pastor Scott's suggestion that CCB is to Brattleboro what the Temple was to Jerusalem is no exaggeration. Not only was it so important to the community that the original structure was moved down the hill from the Park Area at the top of Main Street where it becomes Putney Road, to the more central Main St. location it now occupies; but it has been expanded, over time, to include Sunday School rooms, a parlor, a Chapel, a Music Room, offices, restrooms, and a kitchen. During the week, the classrooms serve as a place for children from low-income homes to gather. (It's a Day Care, and it's impact is felt throughout the area.) Another major part of CCB is the bi-weekly service of Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry. This is given out of a space in the basement, leading outside. People in need can just walk up to the side of the building and request the day's meal, along with other items such as dog/cat food, diapers, etc... Once again, an important presence in Brattleboro.
3. This renovation of the Temple as it was rebuilt in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah in 515 B.C., was added to in a building project that started around 22 B.C.. It was still in progress at the time of it's destruction in 70 A.D.
4. The "2nd Sunday Offering", as they call it, is funds earmarked by the givers for the purpose of that month's gift. This is above and beyond the regular amounts given directly for the Church, but all are collected in a single passing of the plates.
5. So, a couple of things about the Laws of Israel here. One, the fact that Jesus fulfilled them meant that they were no longer going to be valid after His death and resurrection. As the Old Covenant came to fruition, the New Covenant began. Two, the reference here to the entire Book of Deuteronomy is due to the fact that this is where we can read in detail about the Jewish Welfare System in that time. (Spoiler alert, it was the best of any nation on Earth!!) I don't like "spoilers" myself, but I just thought it was a fun way to inform you all of a proven fact on the subject) :D
6. Once again, I hate to "wax political" on here; but as the saying goes, "Sometimes it just be that way." ;) Although I generally don't pay a ton of attention to politics these days, I really thought that Ross Perot had the right idea years ago when he suggested a 5% Flat Tax. It would be far less of a burden on the Poor; and the balance would be more than filled out by the Rich. Also, the fact is, before the Great Depression and FDRs "New Deal", people in need were covered by friends, family members, and Church Communities in their own areas. Personally, I wouldn't be sad to see it that way again. (Although I realize that would mean far less money to spend on "wants" as opposed to "necessities"; but I've been there before, I could manage again.
7. The Proverbs and 2 Corinthians references are all mine.
Music -- No rights, ever!!
First hymn --
Son of God, Eternal Savior - Hymn Sing-Along with Lyrics,
Anthem --
We, Thy People, Praise Thee,
Second hymn --
Hymn, What Gift Can We Bring, UMH 87, Wesley Choir (CCLI License 2293792),
Offertory --
Dona Nobis Pacem, traditional canon,
Closing hymn -- I don't think this is exactly the same, but it's what I could find right off --
Jim Reeves - We Thank Thee (with lyrics)(HD),
As always, we sing after the Scripture Reading and at the end of the Service as well.
The choruses are: "In the Lord I'll be ever thankful" and "Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary". Each is sung through 2x.