Sermon Summary for March 26, take 2 < -- It helps to scroll up and hit "publish" when you finish 3 hrs. of blogging... ;p When I told Mike about it on the phone later, he said, "Oh, so you were just practicing!!" LOL
So here we are late Monday afternoon rather than mid-afternoon on Sunday. Oh well, better now than never, right?? Pretty quiet week overall. I had said something yesterday about Mike and I not being able to get on Messenger bc his phone "wanted to fight", as he likes to say. But I was pleasantly surprised this morning to see his name show up at the top of my FB contacts again!! Neither he nor I know what he did, but he said he just started pushing buttons and it finally worked, so YAY!! It would have been straightened out by his friend, Vanessa, during her visit today, but she ended up having to cancel due to her youngest being sick. Speaking of tech issues, I've tried to post the pics from my recent visit, but it wouldn't work on my phone, so I've tried here on my laptop; but having to place 39 images individually is brutal!! ;p
As to Mike's finances, pray that SEVCA does their job and pays his rent promptly. We'd rather see April 22nd pass peacefully than not. Beyond that, he has a Zoom Meeting for Disability early next month, and the last wave of residents from the hotel are either leaving now or by the end of the month, since the State of VT is no longer paying for them to live there. Following that, the Class Action suit for everyone's Security Deposit can go forward.
I was at my friend Andrea's twice last week. Thursday for her, and Friday for her mother. Matt was taken outside again for about 10 minutes and greatly enjoying natural textures of both fresh and old leaves. Andrea is now gathering textures that are "not hospital" for him to touch during her visits. Sadly, he's regressed a bit in the last couple of days. He's back on oxygen and become nonresponsive again*. Continued prayer for his healing as well as for Andrea and Tavis "holding down the fort" at home. Also for them to find a Stroke Rehab Hospital that can accommodate his needs.
While I was helping out on Friday, my father called. He's doing well, but had news of a death on my mother's side of extended family. I'll be making a card later this week and taking it over for them to sign. I'll have more details on my parents' situation then.
While I've just been typing this, Rob came by for a minute to show me the memorial pendant he has with a portion of his mother's ashes. It's an engraved heart. He apologized for his earlier mistake from the other week and I said that I forgive him, but can't trust him to behave decently in the future. He mentioned another service for his mother this Summer, but I told him I didn't know if I would go. I had also mentioned him in a comment on FB this morning in relation to my favorite acapella guys, Ball in the House, auditioning a new baritone. Rob is the one person I know who would be a good fit for them. You could actually use this encounter to exemplify today's message, so that's every bit of a good thing, even though Rob and I are basically done face to face after this. I was polite, but distant.
In other news, my granddaughter, Brandi, turns 11 on Easter. Idk what the plans are yet, but I'll be sure to let you all in on it later. :) Oh, and pray for my oldest, Carissa, as her car needs over $4,000 worth of work. :/
We all belong to at least 2 groups in life. First, is the family we are born into. There is at least one, but preferably 2 parents. Then you may have grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and even siblings. The second is most likely school. This is the place you would make friendships. Aside from that, your neighborhood, clubs, and possibly even Youth Group at Church. Later, we enter the work-force and have co-workers. Some of these may also become friends. While God is present and at work in all of these places, the Church is where He does His most unique work in order to fulfill his Earthly mission.
Turn with me to Ephesians 5 to learn more --
Ephesians 5:1-2
New International Version
5 1 Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
It is the transforming love of God that forms the foundation of our love for Him, for ourselves, and for others. As we allow it to form us into the image of Christ, it serves as witness to the World of Who God is. We are called to live as examples of His love, forgiveness, mercy, and righteousness. If we claim these qualities without the proof of living them out, the World will see nothing but a bunch of hypocrites and have no interest in joining us. In that moment of judgment, they are not only looking at us, but, by extension, God. You can then see how high the stakes are on this!!
The World tries to define love for us. They basically say, "High 5s and hugs all around!!" They preach tolerance and affirmation for all. Some see love as romance and/or sex. Others see Hallmark cards and puppies. God's love is more powerful than any of this. The True Love of God has the ability to transform hearts and change lives. It is the most powerful force in the Universe, designed to bring about the biggest transformations. The elements of the Kingdom of God animate this power.
The passage above may be among the best thing ever to be wrapped in a small package, and it brings out 3 key points to meditate on --
First is the fact of what God's love does for us -- it changes us from the enemies of God we were born as*, and makes us "beloved children" once we accept Jesus' gift of Salvation by belief* in Who He is and what He did in the framework of the Cross and Resurrection from the grave. At that moment, the Holy Spirit resides in us and enables us to grow into the Christ-like people God called us to be.
The truth is, any "Discipleship" lacking in a new identity in Christ is either anemic and lacks the power of transformation, or runs the risk of pride, arrogance, and Legalism*. When we truly understand and receive God's love, we will be transformed.
How do we form our identity?? There are differing opinions on that these days. The traditional source of Family as a core identity factor is fading among some groups. It may be that those in my generation or older (50+) are more likely to have heard something to the effect of, "This is what is means to be a Smith..." or "The Jones have a strong lineage of faith..." when we were growing up. (insert name and core value) Many parents today are allowing their kids to find their own sources of identity*. Many define their identity by what they defend or the image they project. (clothes, cars, schools, jobs). The problem is, that these things are effectively idol-worship. They are sources of bondage in our lives as we hold to them rather than to God. They are changeable and fleeting; therefore proving unreliable. God, the very Creator of the Universe, calls us "beloved children". We may wish there were more, but when we fully grasp the richness of this truth, we will find that it's enough. Say it out loud 3 or 4 times -- "I am His beloved child." :)
The second thing the passage brings out is how this transforming power came to be -- Jesus' sacrifice was completely voluntary. As we read in John 10:18, Jesus said, "my life is not taken from me, I give it freely..." God sent His Son in flesh on our behalf so we could qualify to be in His presence. The fullest extent of His love was shown on the Cross as His sacrifice freed us from the bondage of sin and death. It is this sacrifice that enables the transformation of our hearts and lives from enemies to children. His forgiveness of sin qualifies us for this new identity and title.
Finally, walking in love is the only appropriate response to such a powerful gift -- The wording in verse 2 when it speaks of Jesus "giving Himself up" as an offering for sacrifice is the same language used in Eph. 4:19 where it talks about people being "given over to sensuality". It is a total commitment being played out here.
We have been seeing over the past couple of months what our lives are supposed to look like in light of this --
-- speaking the truth - we are to bring things out rather than holding them in and hiding problems
-- pursue unity - this entails rigorous effort, sometimes to a point of sacrifice in order to reach a common goal. It is not being nice and "keeping the peace"
-- giving to the needy - this is self-explanatory, although a couple of verses comes to mind Proverbs 19:17 and Proverbs 3:27
-- serving the Body of Christ - Gifts to the Church
-- blessing with our words
-- forgiveness in the face of offense - really, this is the only place it can happen. As we saw in other messages recently, growth only comes through resistance. This also applies to things like patience* and mercy. It is not a "bug" in the system; but a feature that shapes us and helps us to accomplish our goals in the long run.
God intended humanity to join His mission of love right from the days of Eden. It has always been His goal to create order from chaos. Love is not secondary to this; but in fact, mandatory to it as being the only thing powerful enough to accomplish the purpose.
-- God Bless!!
Footnotes --
1) Matt's source of unresponsiveness, if you haven't been following, is severe Autism. His "social battery" is very limited, and he can't be touched without warning. (among other things)
2) "Enemies of God" -- Many people think that babies are a "blank slate" we get to write on as they grow up, but there are multiple reasons why this simply isn't true. First of all, there are places in the Bible that negate this theory. Rom. 5:10-12 speaks of us having been enemies of God, Romans 3:23 says that, "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Does this include babies?? Not directly, no; but babies and very young children get a "free pass" as needed due to being unable to understand and accept Salvation. Secondly, we've all heard it said that "such and such a thing is 'in the blood'". Whether it be music, math, or athletic abilities; there are certain things that are innate to each of our personal histories and personalities.
3) "Accept Salvation by belief -- coming on Easter, I have once again started seeing posts about the thief on the cross next to Jesus and the question of how he fits into different groups/people's ideas on Salvation. The scenario makes it abundantly clear that all that is required is belief. No special prayer, no baptism, no tongues, etc... nothing but belief in the heart and confession of the mouth, just as it says in Rom. 10:9-10. That simple.
4) Legalism is a form of Religion that is really just overbearing, hypocritical, and evil because it pushes people away from God rather than bringing them into the loving, transforming relationship we are meant to have with God.
5) The fact that many parents today are allowing their kids to find their own identity is, in my opinion, a dangerous and even damaging thing. Kids need a sense of history in order to understand who they are as a person. The pressures and influence of the World are too strong to subject a young child to without proper guidance by us as parents. Further, a child who doesn't know who they are in Christ is being set up to fail in the long run. We simply cannot "do life" successfully on our own. We were never designed to.
6) I learned years ago not to pray for strength or patience. You'll only gain opportunities to use them!! ;p I find it "safer" to simply pray for wisdom and guidance. :)
Music -- no rights, ever!! (Idk what was actually played, but I'll guarantee at least the first one)
Bonus (because it fits) -- :)

Just over 2 hrs. today... :D