New category, new excitement to share!! Our small group sessions at Church have been on a "hiatus" of sorts through the Fall season due to illness and other responsibilities among the leadership. We just started back this morning, so let's join the group and see what everyone's up to. That being said, I'm not sure I want to take the extra time to include my own stuff since it is already an integral part of the Sermon Summary page. Be sure to let me know in the comments as we progress.
So, while our table has previously had up to 7 or 8 seated around it, today we only had 3 of us. The table leader herself, Alice, and our older friend, Blanche. Alice happens to be the now long-standing Principal at Concord Christian Academy*. Her brother-in-law, Mark, has been battling Colon Cancer for a number of years now. He and his wife, Sue, live in Florida. Blanche didn't have anything specific to share, so just pray for her continued good health and contentment.
We are on the introductory portion of a book by Bruce Wilkinson. Some of you may already be familiar with his "mini books" such as "Secrets of the Vine", "Secrets of the Vine for Women", and "Prayer of Jabez". This series looks at the basics of the Christian Life, from Conversion to Convergence. In other words, the stages of spiritual maturity from belief/acceptance to full cooperation with God in our daily lives. We are experimenting with his videos in lieu of live teaching for the moment, and this morning's was very good. If he holds true to the pattern, there is a short introductory video ahead of related teaching by him in his Church.
Today's video opened with a mother greeting her HS age daughter coming home after school. The basic idea was that, while our outer lives may look great, there may still be something missing on the inside. The question brought out was whether we are more like the daughter, attuned to our inner life; or are we like the mother, too busy to pay attention to feelings??*
What stage are you in*?? Are you making progress or moving backwards?? Are you stuck in circles like you're in a cul-de-sac?? Are you "stuck in traffic", just wondering what to do next?? Is progress automatic or intentional?? The first of these are for each of us to answer, the last one is properly answered with "intentional". God gave us Free Will so we could make our own decisions in life, including how we treat our relationship with Him*.
The stages of our Spiritual Lives are as set and therefore, as predictable as caterpillars transforming to butterflies or the stages of human development. Butterflies mate and lay eggs that hatch into caterpillars, the caterpillars gorge themselves with enough food to survive through building a cocoon and turning to "goo" before becoming the next generation of butterflies.... ad infinitum... Couples copulate, women may get pregnant, and the process of human life begins... if all goes well, the baby matures through life as its body grows and ages. If an 8 yr old still has the maturity of a 3 yr old, then there's a clear problem to be addressed or dealt with as the issue dictates. (discipline or mentality) Likewise, the questions of spirituality are predictable based on the age of the one asking.
That being said, it is entirely possible for someone who is physically, mentally, and emotionally mature to be immature spiritually. They either didn't accept Christ as their Savior at a younger age, or they simply have not allowed Him to become Lord of their lives*. Hebrews 5:11-12 talks about those for whom it is hard to explain spiritual things because they lack understanding and require milk as babies rather than the solid meat they should be gnawing on and even teaching. The KJV says they have become "dull of hearing". These people have been around long enough to know The Word, but have either fallen away, or are in danger of doing so.
The definitions of Spiritual Growth are as follows --
1) The first step lies in knowing God and developing a relationship with Him. How well do we really know Him?? This of course, requires the knowledge and understanding that we CAN know Him, and should. A primary point toward this end is found in Jeremiah 9:23-24. God is speaking to Jeremiah in this passage, with both warning and encouragement. Verse 23 warns that men not boast in their human knowledge, but in knowing Him because, as we read in verse 24, God DESIRES that we know Him. This clearly indicates that He can be known and even understood. (at least to a degree) Something I saw on my walk earlier this afternoon inspired me to relate it to both this and my Sermon Summary today. I heard tapping close by and realized the man in the truck just down the street was looking at something. I turned around to see a beautiful red-crested woodpecker on the tree now 10 ft or so behind me!! I connected his pecking to the hunger we should have for God. Our desire to reach the heart of God should match that woodpecker's desire for food from the trees.
2) Transformation of our spirits is the 2nd point of growth. 2 Corinthians 3:18 speaks of our image being continually transformed by the Spirit of God to where our thoughts, actions, and purposes (or motives) are like Jesus'.
3) The final step is that of expanding our independent walk with/by the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:16, 22-25 all speak of walking in the Spirit and being guided by Him in all things. Verses 22-24 in particular give us the list of 9 qualities we will mature in as we follow His lead. These are commonly known as "The Fruit of the Spirit."
Many people have misconceptions about TRUE Spiritual Growth --
1) That we can invent methods towards inner growth on our own. This is wrong because only the Bible can tell us how to achieve spiritual growth because it's based on something/Someone permanent and trustworthy.* Bruce told on the video, about a woman who was returning to the mainland US from a 6 month "spiritual quest" in Alaska. She had built a tree house, had food shipped in on a schedule, and just sat there contemplating the Natural beauty that surrounded her and maintaining herself as needed. She was coming back just as empty as when she had left, and twice as disappointed. It is important to understand that, while God created Nature, Nature does not EQUAL God. Plants and animals are simply a part of what He made, but a tree is not God, nor is a rock, or any animal in the wilderness. Without the Bible* and the Holy Spirit, true Spiritual Growth is simply impossible. And really, when you think about it, it makes total sense being that we are also part of God's Creation, specifically made in His image. (Gen.1:26)* Anything else, any other attempt at spiritual growth will only leave you frustrated and fearful like the woman who spent time truly alone in Alaska.
2) The idea that growth can happen without Jesus, The Bible, and the Holy Spirit. John 14:6 has Jesus saying, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man comes unto the Father but by Me." There may be many paths to God, but only One to Salvation*.
3) The idea that Spiritual Growth is easy, quick, and painless. I honestly don't know why anyone would actually think that. Progress in any given area takes time, dedication, and sacrifice. My first thought here runs to Martial Arts. There is simply no way you're going to earn a Black Belt the first week. It literally takes years of training and practice to reach that level. (You're not going to be able to "kick butt" after one session) lol My second thought runs to music. (those who know me well, will be surprised these aren't reversed) When I joined my first Community Chorale in February of 2013, I had a good singing voice, but lacked proper training and discipline. Now, I can stay on tune with most any singer on the radio!! But it didn't happen the first night. It took months of training for proper technique and practice of the immediate set list for me to reach my current level. (I'm sadly out of practice at this point, but still have the tools) And that's the point here, having the proper tools with which to succeed.
Conversely, there are 5 truths which "debunk" these misconceptions --
1) There is simply no growth without the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:14 tells us that the "natural man" cannot understand the things of God because they are only discernable with the help of the Holy Spirit.
2) It is important to realize and remember that in our Spiritual journey, we may move forward, backward, or plateau at different points in our lives. The plateaus can mean a couple of things. Either we have simply gotten lazy* about maintaining progress; which endangers us toward falling away, as mentioned above. Or it's just a "rest and regroup" period and all is well. (or soon will be)
3) The awareness that Spiritual Growth is adamantly opposed by Evil. 1 Peter 5:8 warns us that Satan roams like a lion, seeking whom he may devour.
4) Growth is best supported in a local Church. Just like an exercise program or diet, like-minded support is important to progress and maintenance. Paul advises us in Hebrews 10:22 not to forsake the gathering of ourselves together.
5) While Spiritual Growth is God's will for us, it is our responsibility to work on it.
Come back and read more next week to gain more wisdom in this*!! -- God Bless!!
1) Concord Christian Academy started out as a ministry of First Baptist Church (now dba "Centerpoint") in September of 1974, where I was among the charter students. I started in Kindergarten that Fall and graduated there in June of 1988. Alice has been a part of the school in one way or another since the Early 80's.
2) The question of feelings vs activity puts me in mind of Jesus' friends, Mary and Martha. (Luke 10:38-42)
3) The actual stages are -- Conversion, Consecration, Conduct, Communion, Character, Core, and Convergence. (see images below for descriptions)
4) The bit about Free Will is my own thought
5) Making God "Lord of your life" is a separate decision from Salvation as much as some would like to contend otherwise. Salvation is simply the decision to accept Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross. "Fire Insurance", if you will. The decision to make Him Lord of your life (consecration), may take years, if it happens at all. (I pray it does/has for each of you)
6) Placing faith in something/Someone permanent and trustworthy -- First of all, this is another thought that is mine vs one that was in the material. Secondly, while it may seem like Nature is permanent and trustworthy, the understanding that it was created by Someone else, leads to the realization that He could destroy it just as easily as He created it. Therefore, that which is created cannot be reasonably worshipped. Admired with praise to the Creator, yes, but not worshipped of itself.
7) We need the Bible and reliable Historic and Biblical commentary in order to know and understand the full context of God's Word.
8) Being part of God's creation is, once again, my thought.
9) Many paths to God, but only One to Salvation -- as you will find quite often on my Sermon Summary notes, God meets people where they are at and leads them to Jesus from there. He spoke to Abraham directly, Moses in a burning bush, the Magi followed a star, etc... (I'm here guiding whoever reads my stuff...)
10) There's a point in this week's Sermon Summary about laziness, don't miss it later tonight!!
11) Due to my bf, Mike, visiting for Valentine's Day this week, there's a possibility that next week's posting may be delayed.

I hope you can read these okay -- if not, you can zoom in from the 3 dots in the upper right corner of your screen. (for those who need to know)