Let me just start by saying that I didn't actually attend the class this week due to my bf, Mike's Valentine's week visit. He was only interested in attending the service, so we showed up early enough to say hello to my table mates in the class, then find seats in the sanctuary. At this point, that isn't super-critical though, as we're still in the introductory phase of this series.
While the first lesson covered the definition of true Spiritual Growth and some other related concepts; this week's material focused on the characteristics of the 7 stages and actually naming them --
First of all, the stages are predictable. We touched on this last week when we said that people at different stages of life can be expected to have different levels of questions on any given subject.
Secondly, they are purposeful. They serve to guide our minds, hearts, and finally, our spirits into deeper understanding and maturity in our knowledge and love for God. This is brought out in better behavior towards others.
Thirdly, they are progressive. There is an order to them like how babies learn to crawl, stand, walk, and run. One stage flows from the previous stage or stages. (more on this below)
they are perceivable. We can learn not only what they are, but know where we are in our progression of them. We can also gauge where others are on the path.
Next, we can come to an understanding that the stages are profitable. This really goes along with the idea of their being purposeful. While it's possible for the purposes of certain concepts to be harmful, this is clearly not the case here. (or shouldn't be used for harm) These stages, when properly implemented, can guide us toward a greater understanding and love for God, resulting in better relationships with those around us in our Churches, our Communities, and in our World.
Finally, the stages are personal. Each Believer chooses to engage the steps in our own ways and in our own time.
The Seven Stages themselves are as follows --
1) Conversion -- this is the basic acknowledgement and acceptance of God as Creator and Savior of mankind. We have to first admit that He exists before it becomes possible to accept His offer of Salvation to Eternal Life and the forgiveness of our sins.
2) Consecration -- this involves the giving over of our will to Christ. Many people only give up certain bits and pieces of their lives to Him, but if He is truly to be Lord of our lives and not just our Savior; then more sacrifices need to be made. We can go from simply having "fire insurance" to a life of total submission to His Will for our lives. Only then can we fully experience the joys of the Christian Life. Sadly, many people never reach this level*.
3) Conduct -- this may seem self-explanatory, but the point in this context lies in the fact that greater understanding of God and His love for us results in a greater willingness to improve our behaviors towards others in greater obedience to His Will. As we understand that love, we not only increase our desire to please Him, but to extend that love to those around us.
4) Communion -- the practice of fellowship or "hanging out" with God and with other believers. This may include a prayer of confession with elements of food and drink, or it may be as simple as a walk in the woods and thanking God for His goodness. It may be just you and God alone, or it may involve others. In any case, it's a time dedicated to focusing on Him.
5) Character -- on the surface, this may seem directly related to conduct; but it's a deeper thing. Conduct can be deceiving in and of itself. Others may see you continuing to attend Church and being kind and generous to others, but you may be fooling them by "going through the motions" while engaging in wrong behavior privately. (I've mentioned this is prior Sermon Summaries in full transparency of my life)
6) Core -- again, this may appear to connect with character; but it's another element that goes deeper. Character, as we all know, gets built over time with certain experiences. In this instance, as our Christian Character increases; it eventually becomes part of who we are. It becomes our very essence, thus putting our every motive into the purity of God's love rather than our own selfish ideas. It relates back to the concept of character being a deeper level than conduct. Core is the deepest level of character.
7) Convergence -- this is where it all comes together. You've done all the steps and after you've done them for long enough, you reach the point where your entire life is reflective of God's love and mercy. All that is required now is that you maintain and stay the course. Continued study, prayer, and fellowship will enable you to do this.
The Discussion Questions that follow each lesson encompassed the following 5 thoughts* --
What are 3 or 4 answers that 10 people might give when asked about spiritual life?? I wrote, "God, Karma, and Fate"
Why do you think people invent their own ways to view spirituality?? What are 2 or 3 ways that people might try to use toward Spiritual Growth?? I said, "Ignorance of the truth and judgmental Christians" for the first part, and "Meditation and Nature" for the 2nd.
Read Heb. 5:11 -- it speaks of believers who have become "dull of hearing" -- what advice would you give them to help?? "Pray, repent for sins, pursue greater Biblical knowledge and understanding via good Bible Commentary sources."
Read Heb. 5:12 -- Paul is questioning as to why so many of them are still so Spiritually immature when they should be teaching by this time. Where would you be on the stages?? I'm teaching through my blog, and have been for about 2 yrs now.
Describe the time in your life of the greatest Spiritual Growth. What would you have to do rn to regain or surpass it?? I answered with the following -- 2015-2022 A friend from HS helped me out of the mess I was in. An old bf came back, which led to better interaction w/ the next; all resulting in another ex returning forever. Meanwhile, online discussions have matured and positions shifted. My blog also started during this time. Nothing can happen at this point to regain or surpass that. Only continued study, prayer, and practice can maintain it.
I pray that each of you who reads this series will find something helpful in it to enhance your journey.
-- God Bless!!
Footnote --
Just a brief note concerning the ideas of the progression of the stages where consecration is concerned. Recognizing as I do that not everyone comes to a point of full consecration to God, I am forced to disagree with the author on this one. If anything, consecration should be listed further down the list. I say this because of the fact that, as I said above, many people only give bits and pieces of themselves to God. Consecration can happen in one or two areas to the exclusion of all others and that person can achieve great Spiritual Growth in those areas while leaving others "in the dust", as it were. That being said, Convergence cannot happen without full Consecration.