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Everyday Yes #7 -- finally!!


Okay, so it's basically taken me a month to catch this up. But you know what they say about good intentions... LOL ;p Last I checked (this morning) the Church website has still not been updated to fix the error. I gave in and watched it on FB this morning for blogging tonight. (It's just after 7 pm) As you will note, that means I didn't attend today's service. I can't always get a ride when they hold it at the Athletic Fields, so I chose to use the time to catch up on the old one. You'll get the new one shortly after I do. Should be in the next day or 2. No, I'm not doing anything special for the 4th other than going up to our rooftop clothesline patio with Rob and Heather to watch the local display of fireworks. I "coulda, (maybe) shoulda, woulda", gone to my mom's Family Reunion* yesterday, but considering the recent drama ahead of Memorial Day (which I did attend); I chose peace over tension. My parents still haven't gotten over the fact that I broke up with Rob just before New Year's and they're (read "mom") resistant to meeting Mike (again)*. I'm hoping to get them together during Mike's visit next week for my birthday, if all agree... We'll see. In the meantime, prayers are appreciated. And speaking of my birthday, I was hanging out with Rob yesterday and he ended up treating me to dinner at Margarita's. That sneaky "brat" pretended to get lost on the way to the restroom and ordered our shared dessert to include a birthday candle!!* LOL In other news around the building, Sheila has officially "left the building". Her aide brought her around Friday to say her final farewells. The aide now has Sheila's cat, so that's a relief. Prayers for her going forward to better care through the remainder of her life. Also prayers that my next neighbor across the hall will be calm and pleasant. Oh, and Happy 4th of July, everyone!! :D

Those of us who are parents know all too well what it's like to need some quiet time away from everyone. Moms might take an extra long shower just for 20 minutes of peace. (provided there's another bathroom available to others) Even those among you who are Extroverted can't be "on" 24/7/365. Human beings need to sleep sometimes... ;p This week's message is about how ministry doesn't always happen when it's convenient for us. It happens sometimes when we're at our lowest points. That's what happened to Jesus in our passage today... Let's turn together and read the text -- And, as always, don't let the story's familiarity blind you to the deeper meaning...

Matthew 14:13-21 New International Version

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

13 When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. 14 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.

15 As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.”

16 Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”

17 “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.

18 “Bring them here to me,” he said. 19 And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. 20 They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. 21 The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.


All too often, we as Christians, don't have a problem saying "yes" to Jesus in a general sense. We said "yes" when we got Saved, we most likely say "yes" to going to Church most of the time; it doesn't seem to be that big a deal. It's good. It has beauty. But if we truly aim to say "yes" to Jesus Every. Single. Day., then we need to look at the hard parts as well. We need to "count the cost" and still say "yes", knowing that a "Ministry Moment" may just show up at any given moment. It's most likely not going to fit our schedule. That's how Jesus knows if we mean it. If we can be gracious in the moments where we want nothing more than to be left alone, that's real. That's the test of a True Disciple*. We may not like it in the moment, but we'll sleep better knowing that we gave our all to serving with Jesus and not just for Him. We'll get into the difference later on.

As those of you know who've been reading from the "get-go", the idea that, "God is always present and at work", is a major theme in our messages. That's simply because that's the bottom line truth to everything Biblical. And the "mission, should we choose to accept it", is an invitation to join God in His efforts of restoration and renewal in our undeniably broken World. The beauty in this is another common theme of truth, that whatever God does through us, He is also working in us. We are not just "filters" of the blessing, but active recipients as well!! How cool is that!!?? As I said a moment ago, our World is undeniably broken. Any illusions we may have had in the past that we were doing okay, have been popped, shattered, destroyed, pick one... they all fit.

So how do we participate with God in the healing?? Most people make one of 2 choices --

  1. Over-functioning -- These people try harder to leverage power because they are so invested in the World's System that they will do absolutely anything and go to any lengths to "fix it" according to what they see as "God's Will".*

  2. Disengage -- These are the people who stop paying attention because, "it's all going to burn anyway". They're going to Heaven and that's all that matters. If they can manage to bring a few more along, then it's all good by them. They'll get a few "bonus points". These people make the mistake of separating the spiritual and physical aspects of their lives. As with most things, the proper position is somewhere in the middle.

We all need to remember that God is already working to restore and renew His Creation through Jesus. That's His Mission, accepted and in process. But that's the rub, isn't it?? It's still in process!! The work of the Cross and Grave has been finished, but Graduation Day hasn't come yet. We all need to continue "showing up for school" until it does. That's what it truly means to say our everyday "yes" to Jesus. We keep showing up until He tells us otherwise. We're here for the duration, helping Him to "dot the "i"s and cross the "t"s" until the details are complete.

Looking back through our passage brings a potential question to the minds of the reader, doesn't it?? Verse 13 starts by saying, "When Jesus heard what had happened..." So we need some context here, don't we?? What exactly was it that had happened?? Reading verses 1-12 tells us about John the Baptist's having been killed. So not only has Jesus lost a family member, but also the "blocker" that had been in play ahead of Him. Jesus became, "Jerusalem's Most Wanted" from that time on!! He was the Leader now, no one to clear the way or pull the attention away from Him. Anyone of us would need time alone in a moment like that... But then verses 13-21 happen immediately following... Jesus is trying to get some "down time", but the crowds have heard that Jesus is "in the neighborhood" and they follow His boat from shore. (Moms who can't catch a break are in excellent company!!)

The point here is that we don't get to choose our moments of ministry any more than Jesus did that day. His "down time" needed to wait in light of the people who required His help in that time. Ministry isn't always "neat and tidy" or "perfectly scheduled". He understood that the mission came first, no matter what His humanity was suffering. Was it any easier for Him in knowing that?? I can't imagine that it was. After all, the entire point of His Death and Resurrection being The Perfect Sacrifice for us came at the cost of experiencing every part of what it is to be a human. The spiritual, the emotional, the physical, all of the "messiness" that humanity entails. Otherwise, His sacrifice wouldn't have been capable of covering our every weakness. Nevertheless, He had compassion on the crowds and helped and healed them all He could. It wasn't convenient for Him at all, but it's importance overshadowed all else. God's mission is restoration, and He was here to help.

Pastor Matt shared briefly here about he and his wife having a day to themselves when all 3 kids were in school and they were off ready to take on a hiking trail. There were only a couple of other cars in lot at the trailhead. It was time for peace and quiet, and enjoying God's Creation... or was it?? While they were getting their hiking boots on and grabbing their packs, 3, count them, 3 buses of middle-school kids arrive on the scene!! Uuuuggh!!

They thought they might be relatively okay if they took a different trail than the kids took, but they could still be heard through the woods and, of course, all met at the summit. So much for "peace and quiet", but they couldn't say anything as it was a Public venue...

Verse 15 shows us that Disciples were trying to give Jesus a break by suggesting that it was time to send everyone back to the villages for supper before the people became "hangry" and got out of hand. They knew the stress Jesus was under and just wanted to help ease it any way they could. That's the key here. "Any way they could." This showed their lack of vision for any ministry beyond their own abilities. How often do we do the same thing?? A problem arises, and we try to find solutions according to our own resources or resources that we know to be available in the community or whatnot. We think strictly in terms of our finances, our relationships, our patience for others, etc...*

This is where the difference comes in of serving with Jesus vs serving for Jesus. We need to realize/remember that our single greatest source of identity lies in the fact that we are God's Children*, not in what we can produce for Him. We hear it all the time from people who survive major accidents and illnesses, "God must have something more for me to do." Right?? And that's just where they are mistaken. They have survived because of God's goodness and love, not as a "source of production" that He still needed. (if that were true, none of us would die) my thought here...

So let's outline the differences in serving styles, shall we??

  • Serving with Jesus -- involves His Work, His Mission, His Power. What does that look like?? His work is daily love of His people and His creation. His Mission is restoration and renewal of all things, and His power comes to us through the Holy Spirit. Those of you in Liturgical Churches will remember that June 5th was Pentecost. This was the day that Jesus' promise of a Comforter and Helper* came to happen. His work and mission are only made possible in our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us in it. The very story of Creation is the first evidence we have that God's intention was for us to serve with Him. Sin separated us from that, which is why Israel was unable to fulfill the mission God set out for them and why Jesus had to come for ALL.*

  • Serving for Jesus -- involves Our Work, Our Mission, and Our Power. Our intentions for goodness and the best we can offer simply don't hold a candle to God's plans, purposes, and power. Our pockets are essentially empty compared to His.

Verses 20-21 show the miraculous and abundant provision God has for us. The text reads, "5,000 men, besides women and children." That means at least 10,000 people were there for the "picnic"!!! And what does it say, "some ate, but were still hungry..."?? NO!! It says they ALL ATE and were ALL satisfied!! But wait... there's more!! Not only did everyone get plenty to eat, but there were 12 baskets of food left over!! (I've heard 1 for each Disciple, but no solid confirmation on that) The point here lies in the fact that God ministers out of abundance*. We see it evidenced all through the Bible... Think about the Manna in the dessert. God was proving at all turns that He, through Jesus, was/is the Bread of Life. None of the miracles were "parlor tricks" or "party favors" to seduce people into a lie. They were the evidence of God's love and generous nature with no ulterior motive but to invite us to join Him in sharing that love and generosity to the World in His mission of healing and restoration.

What does that look like in our daily lives today?? It could look a number of different ways --

  • Feeding the hungry through Pantries or Luncheons

  • Fighting injustice with the understanding that no color or gender or age is better or worse/ lesser or greater

  • Parenting with Godly guidance to shape the next generation of Believers

  • Family connections, work, community -- being a loving example in the lives of others.

Will we choose to serve with Him or just continuing to be short sighted and serve for Him??

Pastor Matt closed the service in prayer, including words from a prayer he had just read the day before from a man I didn't clearly catch the name of. It involved the idea of "empty pockets"... I didn't actually have time to listen to the whole thing... Maybe "Bill Gaultiere"?? Anyway, lots of "food for thought" here -- (pun may or may not be intended) LOL

-- God Bless!!

Footnotes --

  1. The Reunion is for my mother's mother's mother's side. If you go back enough mother's, you will arrive at Anna Symmes, who was married to President William Henry Harrison.

  2. Mom, in particular is resistant about meeting Mike again... They met him when I was originally dating him around Thanksgiving 1990 and saw him again just before I left Job Corps in Feb. 1992. Mike feels like he's therefore met his obligation of meeting them, but I don't want to feel like I'm "walking on eggshells" with my parents when I mention him. Further discussion will happen soon... he respects my feelings, the details just need to be ironed out... As I've been saying for a while now, things will happen as they need to... Oh and that reminds me to ask for continued prayer toward Mike getting a Therapist in his pursuit of Disability and VA benefits.

  3. Dessert with a birthday candle was Fried Ice Cream with chocolate AND honey!! :D

  4. "True Disciple" -- and yes, Rob, I'm preaching to myself here as well... We're none of us perfect...

  5. Those of you who qualify under "over-functioning" should read/review the messages from Weeks 5 and 9 of this series. Just remember that when it comes to political stances, we are running a Country, NOT a Church... smh...

  6. Trying to solve things according to our resources... Guilty as charged, at first, because that's my process; but then I'm like, "I know, Lord, you're in control..."

  7. God's Children -- the Believer is God's Child, the rest are simply part of His Creation. John 1:12 says that "to all who believe, He gave the right to become Children of God..."

  8. John 14:26 promises The Comforter...

  9. Jesus was always destined to come for ALL because God is the Alpha and Omega and knows everything from the beginning. He didn't just come for the Jews, nor are Christians their "replacements", Romans 11:11-31 speaks of Gentiles being "grafted in". This also debunks the theory that Gentiles were displaced Jews. Otherwise, why mention them separately??

  10. God ministers out of abundance -- Some would warn against the Prosperity Gospel, but it really all comes down to the heart, which cannot be judged from the outside. I spent nearly 11 yrs in a church like that, and know...

  11. Not related to this message, but I mentioned before about Pastor Matt's favorite movie being "Warrior". I finally got a chance to see it Friday night... WOW!!!!

Music -- no rights, as always --

I know... I usually have more pics, but it's 10:31 now... Good Night, all!!



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