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Faith In Action #2


Did you grow up with siblings, or are you now?? I didn't, so I don't know*. I've only heard about it from others and seen it with my kids. Sibling rivalry. Apparently, the struggle is real... This new series digs into the book of James. Imagine being the half brother of someone who was literally "God's gift to the World"!!?? That's huge. I don't care who you are in this life; it doesn't get any bigger than that.

Although James grew up with Jesus, he didn't entirely believe Who He was until after the Resurrection. You have to wonder how much he missed out on by living in that reality and not understanding... The Church, or as it was known in the early days, "The Way" was gaining in popularity when James wrote his letter*. At the same time, opposition was growing. It was the Stoning of Stephen as related in the book of Acts that led to the scattering of Jews through the known world of the time. What we know from this, and numerous events throughout history is that everything the Enemy intends for ruin, God turns to blessing. The scattering of the Church did not destroy it; but actually expanded it.

Let's take a look at today's passage --

James 1:2-8 New International Version

Trials and Temptations 2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.

Explore with me as Pastor Matt leads us through each piece --

As mentioned above, what the Enemy intends for harm turns good in God's hands. Whatever we feel is weighing us down, God can fix it and bless us by it. We just need to ask in faith.

Remember --

  • Trials = blessings in God's world. Don't be lazy because your situation isn't as "big" or "important" as someone else's. (just because you've never had to run from gun-fire doesn't make your problem less important to God) Everyone's problems are real and important. (assuming they're not made up to gain sympathy)

  • We may experience betrayal, rejection, or doubt (which may be very subtle) But God is willing and able to heal our hearts and minds from all of it.

  • We may try to deny our problems, but that won't help fix them.

  • We may complain or wallow in self-pity. None of that helps anything. (allow yourself to process the emotions, but then settle down and pray and then do what needs to be done in discernment and wisdom)

All of these steal our joy if we allow them to, if we "lean in" to the problems rather than leaning in to Christ. He is the only true source of joy. He is present with us in the midst of our struggles. Say it with me, "God is with me in the midst of my struggle." (repeat as needed) It's important to remember that our struggle is not a sign that God has left us or abandoned us. He is with us, and reminding ourselves of that truth helps to anchor us in Him and in joy. While happiness can be dependent of our circumstances, joy runs deeper and can be found in any situation if we look for it. Anywhere God is present, He is also at work. He is maturing us in the midst of our struggles if we allow Him to. "God is maturing me in my struggle." (repeat as needed) Pastor Matt also shared a quote by Pastor George Stulac, but I can't find it rn. (just spent 20 minutes looking) But the gist of it is that trials are not the time to love less... but to have joy.

As we grow in faith, verses 3 and 4 tell us that faith produces perseverance, which in turn, develops maturity, completing our "puzzle", as it were. Pastor Matt was reminded of watching a Middle School Football game and seeing the lineman just push the opponent over. He wasn't being moved for anything. Likewise, metal is strengthened by fire and hammers. We need to be tested in order to be strong. It is only then that we will gain the fortitude and steadfast faithfulness necessary to succeed in God's kingdom and in this World. Because growing in our faith also produces the Fruit of the Spirit in us. (Gal. 5:22-23)

Verses 5-8 encourage us to ask for wisdom if we are still lacking anything after gaining the strength of our faith through our trials. Wisdom is key to moving forward more successfully with God. And don't be that person who asks for advice and then does their own thing. God knows that we can't succeed on our own, which is why this passage reminds us that God provides wisdom abundantly and without judgement. (who couldn't use more practice at that in life whether giving or receiving??) We've all heard that old saying, "God doesn't give us more than we can handle." The problem is, that isn't true. If it were, we wouldn't need Him. The accurate quote is from 1 Corinthians 10:13 which reads, "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." It's not about not giving us more than we can handle, it's about giving us a way out.

The fact is, our resources simply aren't enough --

  1. Emotions -- Nope, not going to help...

  2. Intelligence -- No, because even with an abundance of Common Sense, we still don't have all the information. (or at least not all the same information that God has)

  3. Understanding -- we need to recognize that wisdom is not about what we do so much as it is about how we do it. We may have the right answers, but without the proper methods, we are still going to mess up*. We need to walk with God. Not just receive and leave. Pastor Matt's "side-story" came in at this point. He and one of his sons were visiting colleges in the Mid-West. It was winter, and they were in "Nowhere, Ohio" traveling to "Somewhere in Indiana". The snow was so thick, the roads may as well have not existed, and Matt was convinced that his Wayz app was literally trying to kill them!! LOL Obviously, they made it through alive, but without the guidance of big rigs, they may not have. Our own resources are not always enough to get us through. We need to accept help when necessary.

  4. Wisdom is the beauty of God's grace -- generous without finding fault... I feel like that can't be emphasized enough... Praise God!!

  5. Wisdom is for all -- God's wisdom is available to all who ask. It doesn't just belong to a few "elite" Elders or Pastors.

We need to trust God in our struggle knowing that He is completely trustworthy.

Before closing the service, Pastor Matt shared briefly about a recent conversation with a life-long member of our Church who is pushing 90 yrs old if she hasn't passed it. He was sharing his concerns for the future of our Church in the midst of all the current struggles. The woman encouraged him with the following reminders --

  • The Church has been through troubles before

  • God is faithful and good

  • The Church will be fine

And so will all of yours, in Jesus' Name... God Bless!!

Footnotes --

  1. My brother died of SIDS in 1972, I barely remember him because I was only 3 yrs old. I can only wish to know what having a sibling is like. Granted, I have friends that I consider family, but it just isn't the same.

  2. Concerning the book of James having been written by Jesus' brother, I bought a book this past Spring that takes issue with that. I haven't had much time to study it, but further research has made it clear that the book of James was written later than originally thought and by someone who clearly had a higher education than would have been likely for the half-brother of Jesus to possess. The book is called, "Evolution of the Word" by Marcus J. Borg. It's actually a Chronological New Testament with notes as to the research that lends to it's accuracy.



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