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Friend's birthday

My friend is having a birthday next Thursday. (The 17th)She loves Scotland and thistles... I painted the grass in acrylic and a touch of water with an angle brush and gentle hand. Then I improvised some stamps to create the look I needed by leaving out what I didn't need.

Slight mistake, but this was already the 2nd try...

Coordinated book marks...

And a braided/beaded bracelet to finish off the gifts.

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Jun 30, 2021

Your friend loved her cards and gifts! 😁 It was great to see you yesterday. The next few weeks ought to be fun. And thanks again!

Jun 30, 2021
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Love the handle!! Welcome to my online world!! Great to see you too!! You're welcome for the prezzies!! Looking forward to the next few weeks myself... But do I HAVE to turn 52?? 😜

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