This post is a brief break from the current series. (a "horse of a different color, if you will) :) I was in Brattleboro, VT, visiting my BF, Mike, for a few days. He came and picked me up Saturday afternoon, and returned me earlier today. (Wednesday) I just found out a few months ago that he is actually saved. When I had originally known him back in 1990-92, he hadn't told me that. Turns out he was going through a phase and so only admitted to Agnosticism at the time. As you can imagine, 30 years of prayer and wondering have been rewarded with the knowledge that he's been Saved the entire time!! Now mind you, he isn't generally a "building" type of believer. He's just as happy walking through the woods and praising God by enjoying His handiwork*. He does admit to the occasional advantage of having the fellowship of believers to support a person as needed, however. He also enjoys hearing his friend play the organ*, so there's that as well. But this weekend, he mostly went for my benefit. It's all good, no matter what gets him there.
In this instance, there, is specifically The First United Methodist and Baptist Church of Brattleboro. A bit of an unusual partnership, but it seems to work for them. Pastor Sue is the Methodist Minister and Pastor Ralph for the Baptists. It's a small congregation, as far as I could tell. There were maybe a dozen people, including me and Mike. He says there's usually more young people than we saw on Sunday, but maybe the heat kept people home or something. When we went to look for cold, shaded water later, every spot was jam packed, so idk... Anyway, it was the first Liturgical Service I've been to for about 5 yrs., and the first time in nearly 30 yrs since I knelt at a railing for Communion!! (see my latest Days in the Life post for pics later this evening) I hope to catch up on the CenterPoint series tomorrow, which will still be located here as I mentioned not moving them until the series changes.
After Announcements, led by Pastor Sue, there were Prayer Requests fielded by Pastor Ralph, as well as the Prelude and Offertory. At the end of the Offertory, we did an activity that was new to my experience. We offered our bodies to God in a recitation of prayer matched with Sacred Dance-like* motions of our arms and hands. It was pretty cool!!
The Scripture readings were as follows --
Psalm 85 was the Responsive Reading
Col. 2:6-19 New Testament Reading
Luke 17:11-19 Gospel Reading
Jesus Heals Ten Men With Leprosy
11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. 12 As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy[a] met him. They stood at a distance 13 and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!”
14 When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed.
15 One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.
17 Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18 Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” 19 Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”
The message, relating to our passage this week, was actually brought by a member rather than one of the Pastors. She had C19 recently, and wanted to share.
Her title was "Is Being Sick a Blessing??"
This woman is probably mid-late 60's and has a son who lives with her. They had both been sick with mild symptoms. She joked about the "adventure" of coughing, sneezing, peeing, and breaking wind, all at the same time and thought she may have to get the t-shirt!! LOL
She went on to point out the difference in being "selfish" vs "self-ful". As we all know, self-care is never more important than when you're sick. If you don't look after yourself, you cannot properly take care of others. On a normal basis, one would say that, "you can't pour from an empty vessel", and they are generally talking about emotional energy. But when you're sick, it's your physical energy as much as anything, that is diminished.
During hers and her sons "forced down-time", it was her other family members, friends, and neighbors who offered support; as well as her Pastors. A cousin with a variety of health issues of her own made a grocery run. Pastors and friends called on the phone. A kind neighbor asked if she needed/wanted ice cream and came back with 3 bowls full as they sat outside and ate. Another friend who was grieving a recent loss took the time to check in with her. A care package was sent from a long-distance friend.
Now, you understand that, while these people didn't "have to" help, or call, or check in because they had other things going on; they did it anyway. Conversely, she and her son didn't "have to" accept the help or answer the phone or the door. But these people chose to live like Jesus and visit and care for the sick. Her gratitude towards them reflects that of the 10th Leper who came back to thank Jesus for His healing touch. These people may not have healed her body, but they did what they could to heal her spirit, and that sometimes does as much, if not more good than any medication or vaccine could ever hope to. The point lies in seeing Jesus in the lives of others, and not only respecting, but appreciating them for it.
The service went on to a recitation of the Apostle's Creed, a Eucharistic Prayer, the singing of The Lord's Prayer*, Communion of either pita or wafers, and juice* from the mini cups or wine from the goblet. The Post-Communion prayer was followed by a service-closing rendition of "On Eagle's Wings" and the Postlude*. As always, God Bless!!
Footnotes --
Walking in the woods/beach/City Park, etc... are all valid acts of worship in their time and place and I appreciate each of them as opportunity presents. At the same time, it's not only valuable to have a fellowship of believers for "moral support", but also solid teaching of the Word because as our friend, Paul, says in Romans 10:17, how faith comes by hearing the Word of God.
My mother is a 3rd generation Church Organist here in NH and his playing is on par with hers. Basic, but functional. (although there were a couple of "quirks" in timing that caught me off guard) ;p
Sacred Dance has been "on my radar" before, as I spent most of my Teen years in a Methodist Church*. It's been a long time since I'd seen any though, so it was nice to have the reminder. (see Personal Intro post for the full list)
Singing The Lord's Prayer was another new one on me. Obviously, I've heard it a number of times, so I knew the tune, but these people apparently sing it on a regular basis!!
The juice in the cups comes from Mike's organist friend's vines in the back yard.
The Prelude and Postlude were both sat through as a regular part of the service. They also rang a little bell between different stages in the Order of Worship.
Music -- as always, no rights here!!
