New Year = New Series at Church. Jesus Is -- references from the book of John where Jesus speaks of Who He is.
Jn. 6:25-51 -- Bread of Life -- Jesus is food for our Spiritual hunger as bread may feed our physical hunger. But it goes so much deeper, because Jesus also aids us when we get "hangry" about other situations than food.
This passage shows us 3 things about ourselves.
1) We are drawn to the spectacular -- this was the same 5,000 Jesus had fed the day before.
2) We evaluate our options. What do we need to do?? vs. 28 (Ex. veggies = dessert)
3) We get bogged down in traditions because they are familiar and we can control them. Manna then, bread now, what next??
Striving and control won't provide lasting satisfaction. As with food, we will need to eat again within a short time. We need to set these aside and allow Jesus to help.
Jesus understood all of this and refused to impress them. He invites us into something new and lasting. Bread is meant to be consumed for our nourishment. Jesus wrote himself into the passage found in Isaiah 55:1-7 about REAL food and wine. The passage in John proves that God ALWAYS provides for His children. The manna in the wilderness foreshadowed Jesus' arrival. The manna only lasted one day, but Jesus is eternal. Both show God's love, grace, and mercy.
The only requirement from us?? Believe everything Jesus said. Let Him become an integral part of our lives.
Two ways to do this are --
Sitting quiet w/ Jesus
Meditating on/studying scripture
God Bless!!
