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New Sermon series - 5 Great Gifts - Wk. 1


Updated: Mar 28, 2021

Think about the gifts you've been given -- Birthdays, Babies, Weddings, Christmas, etc... What's the one that stands out as being the most special?? Or maybe there are a few... for me, there are 3 in particular from ladies in my life. A small Hummel jewelry/music box from an Aunt when I was about 6 or 7 still sits on my dresser. A ceramic napkin holder with a portion of the Dinner Prayer from my honorary Grandmother* when I was 16 sits at the back of my stove. And just last year for my birthday, a Sister jewelry/music box from a friend I just reconnected with a few years ago after a 25+ yr. gap. Special memories with special people...

Anyone who's been around "Church World" for very long will have heard of the 5 ministry gifts God gave to His Church in order to fulfill His mission. Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers. Eph. 4: 7-13 speaks of this list and its purpose. It is important to note that if any one of these gifts are missing, then a Church cannot function to the "whole measure of the fullness of Christ" as pointed out in verse 13 of this passage. Some groups or Churches focus too strongly on just one or 2 of the gifts to the neglect of the others, but God's mission cannot be fully carried out without ALL of them. There are other major themes to be brought out in this passage as well --

1. Jesus is the giver -- He distributes the gifts as God directs.

2. Each person is a gift in the Body of Christ. We are all important to God.

3. We need each other -- No single one of us has all the gifts. Only Jesus ever had them all.

God designed it that way so we could grown in our faith and reliance on Him as well as interdependence on each other.

The focus of this week's message is on Apostles -- Turn with me to Luke 10:1-9 --

Jesus is sending out the 72 Apostles -- No additional cash or clothes, just what they had with them.* These people were chosen to help spread The Gospel in the surrounding areas. They were to enter with blessings, but if turned away, just brush off the dust and continue on.

It is in God's nature to give. That's part of love. He sent Jesus because "God so loved the world..." Jesus, in turn, sends us gifts according to how we're wired. Jesus (Emmanuel) was God's way to "be with" us and share His words and work.

The word "apostle" literally means "sent one". Verse 2 says, "the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few..." That's where we come in. Jesus sends us to collect the harvest according to our various giftings. The Holy Spirit empowers these ministries. It has always been God's mission to share His love with the entire world.

How do we know where we fit into God's puzzle?? Author Alan Hirsch has developed and worked with a system called The 5Q Assessment Series. He outlines specific qualities found in each of the 5 gifts and provides insights to help mature them.

Qualities of an Apostle may include the following --

-- visionary thinking and motivation

-- boundary breaker (social, economic, racial)

-- entrepreneurial - always something new - "shiny"

-- strategic decision making

-- uncomfortable with the status quo

-- sees the bigger picture

-- multi-tasker

-- network outside immediate community

-- restless

-- urgency for the future

Some things to be aware of for the maturing apostle may include these --

-- Discernment -- Good ideas vs. God ideas. To the "young" apostle, everything seems good. Others need to give grace and allow them to make mistakes.

-- Discipline -- learn to stay with one thing in order to avoid burn out of self and others.

-- Avoiding Judgement of others. The apostle may not understand how others can possibly

not see what they see for the future of their circle. Learn grace. It is Satan that brings division.

Bottom line, we are all important to God and need to recognize His wisdom in our diversity. No Church or Community or Business would function properly if everyone were gifted the same. Either everyone would want to be exclusive to working within the confines of the group, or everyone would be spread everywhere and no one would be hanging back to provide structure and support. Find your gifts and grace to grow them in the coming weeks!!

God Bless!!

Almost forgot side notes --

* my mom played the organ at different Churches I grew up in. One was pastored my honorary grandmother's husband, Dr. Daniel Poling. You may recognize the name either from the 4 Chaplains who died on the USS Dorch, Dan's brother; or from the Marble Collegiate Churches under Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. I had the honor of meeting Dr. and Mrs. Peale at South Weare Union Church where my mother played. It was for the Bicentennial in 1976. I was almost 7.

* I had a great-uncle who belonged to a ministry group based on Luke 10.



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