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Sermon Summaries Big Questions #6


Updated: May 25, 2021

What do most of your every day conversations look like?? The majority are probably casual, right?? Family life, work life, friends... We may have the incidental conversation on the sidewalk or in the store with people passing by or cashier business. Least often between people are truly deep conversations, life goals, frustrations, faith... But what about our Sacred Conversations with God; where do those fit into our lives, if at all??

Today's Big Question deals with Prayer. Specifically, What Does Prayer Do??

As noted above, our human interactions are categorized into Casual, Incidental, and Deep conversations. Prayer has just 2; private and corporate. Today's message looks at 2 Bible Characters with powerful prayer lives, then at other passages in the exploration of some of the specific types of prayer.

In 1 Samuel 1:9-18, we find Hannah, his future mother, in prayer at the Temple. Look specifically at verses 13-15. Eli, the Priest literally thought she was drunk because of the way she was praying without sound!! She wanted a son with all of her being and held out faith that God would hear her. How many of us have prayed like that, either privately or in our Churches?? I used to attend a Word of Faith Church where we would get "drunk in the Spirit" at times, but I can't definitively say that I've ever prayed like Hannah did on a personal level. Although I've seen my share of miracles too...

Moses also had a powerful prayer life. Turn with me to Exodus 33:7-11. We read here about The Tent of Meeting and how Moses went there to speak with God as he would with a close friend. And if we have conversations with anyone we consider a friend, who more importantly than God?? Not all of us view God that way as we should. Some may see Him as this powerful, and therefore scary presence out there looking down His nose at humanity, judging us. Not exactly the type you just walk up to and say, hey... Others of us may look to Him as a Father, but that's not always the best situation either, depending on the background experiences. But, in reality, we should aim for a "best friend" relationship with God.

Let's look for a second at 2 other key points in this passage --

  • The Tent was located outside the camp. This was important to separate it from the daily life of the people. We go to Church, usually outside our homes for the same reason. It's a sacred time, intentionally set apart from out daily routines.

  • The Cloud of God's presence provided privacy for Moses' and God's conversations. Whether we are praying privately at home, or corporately at either home or Church*, God's presence provides a sacred space for our prayers.

There are 5 types of prayer most common to Christian Life. Let's explore them together --

  1. Prayers of Applause -- How often do we crave the recognition of others as opposed to praising (applauding)* God for His blessings?? We find an amazing prayer of praise in Psalm 8 - "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"* David goes on to speak of the glory of nature and space and man. How amazing is it today that God has given us the curiosity and knowledge to explore into space!!?? The Mars landing has been decades in the works, and it's finally seeing a level of success unparalleled in our history. And I just love nothing more than walking through the woods, it's actually a dream of mine to have a cabin in the woods!! I feel so "at home" and at peace there. Our guest preacher today shared the knowledge that it's actually a common practice in Europe to give hikers and explorers a Right of Way through their farmlands. If you find a gate closed, close it behind you, if you find it open, leave it open!! They have a generosity born of understanding that they are just "borrowing" the land from God. The Deed in the Town Office just legalizes their right to live on that specific piece of it. Here in the US, we are all about how it's "MY PROPERTY", we put up "No Trespassing" signs or "Keep Out". How incredibly selfish!! (I mean, I know we think we're protecting ourselves, but at the same time, we're presuming others mean to do harm) *

  2. Prayers of Appreciation -- When was the last time you mailed out a piece of paper/card to Thank someone for their help or generosity or gift?? These days email or messenger or text is usually the delivery system used. It's free, fast, and easy. But how personal is it?? Like many of you, (I'm guessing) I was brought up to always write thank-you notes for gifts. Full transparency here, I haven't done that in ages*. If you look at the life Daniel led in exile, you'll find a truly inspirational story!! In Daniel 6:10 we see that, even under the King's edict of personal worship, Daniel continued in his prayers to God 3x/day "as was his custom". Again with the honesty, I'm lucky if I pray once in a day, although I do try most days...

  3. Prayers of Brokenness/Repentance -- If there was ever a prophet in need of repentance, it was Jonah!!* He had nothing in his heart at the beginning other than rebellion against God, and revenge against Ninevah. We find his prayer of repentance in Chapter 3 of his story. To illustrate this prayer of brokenness in today's context, our guest shared a story about attending an AA Meeting; not because he needed it, but just for the experience of the atmosphere. And as you may know, the "price of admission" to those meetings is generally a recognition of brokenness. He either knew or got to know an "uber-rich" business man who was a regular attendee. One day he asked the man, "how do you reconcile as a rich business man, fresh off your jet, sitting there with a homeless man who sleeps in a box on one side of you, and a prostitute on the other??" The man replied that there are no businessmen, homeless, or prostitutes in AA, just alcoholics helping each other find the next 24 hrs. of sobriety. How humbling is that for us as Christians?? We're not rich or poor, black or white, etc... we're just broken people looking to Jesus and helping ourselves and others find the next 24 hrs. of sanity and peace. I certainly resemble that remark. That's why I started this blog in the first place... even if I've only been here for a few months.

  4. Prayers of Intercession -- this one is especially common in "Church World". We most usually pray for unsaved friends or family in this way. We "stand in the gap" for them in prayer to God for their Salvation, or health, finances, etc... Some may also pray this way for our Government or for our World after watching the news. We find an exceptionally powerful story of corporate intercessory prayer in Acts 12. Peter has been imprisoned by Herod. The people of his Church find they can't help other than to pray. Next thing Peter knows, there are Angels on a jailbreaking mission!! Next thing the kid at the Church door knows, Peter is standing outside!! LOL Gotta love God's rescues!! Just imagine what might be accomplished if more Churches today prayed like that!!

  5. Listening -- We can very easily forget that prayer is meant to be a two-way conversation and not just a monologue with us as the "headliner". As expressed in the opening paragraph, it's a sacred conversation. I know in my prayer life, as weak as I am in my practices, my listening skills are even weaker... I do find my way eventually though, so at least there's that. To illustrate this skill from the Bible, we return to Samuel. Hannah, as we know, has had a son by now and dedicated him to God's service in thanks for the gift God gave her. Samuel is living in the Temple by this time with our old friend, Eli. 1 Sam. 3 tells the story of how Samuel learned to listen to God's voice after Eli realized that God was calling out to him. How powerful would it be if we all had spiritual mentors in our lives!!??

In closing, we were asked to think about people in our lives who are powerful in each of the above areas of prayer. He then shared a heart-wrenching story about visiting his grandfather, a retired minister, in the Nursing Home as he was in decline with Alzheimer's. His grandfather no longer recognized him, but before leaving, asked if he could pray for his grandfather. He did, but then realized that his grandfather was continuing the prayer. He had to look up and repeatedly ask Gordon's name, but the prayer itself was the most powerful thing he had ever heard!! As much as Alzheimer's had stolen from this man, the power to pray was still there.

God Bless!!

Footnotes -- 1) I've heard or read somewhere that "public" prayers are best kept brief. Especially meal-time prayers. Church prayers may depend on the Spirit's leading as to their time.

2) I don't personally agree with applauding God. It's putting God on too much of an equal place with man. Holy hands raised in worship is better in my opinion.

3) To be clear, I fully support The Wall. The well-being and security of our Country is a separate matter from personal outdoor property.

4) Some may remember a Bible Song with this... Couldn't find the exact tune rn, but this is close...

5) A recent exception is that I did make a card for someone who mailed a Gift Card for a local grocery store to me in thanks for my help to her friend who is a neighbor of mine in our apartment building.

6) See last Friday's Funny post!! I didn't even know!! LOL



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