Home. The word brings different things to mind for different people depending on their experiences. For some, it has a warm, welcoming feel of belonging. For others, it may hold memories of harshness, harm, or abandonment. Either way, it lays the groundwork for who we become as adults or it could develop a negative vibe during our adulthood, even if our childhood was good.
In John 14:1-6, Jesus is explaining to HIs Disciples that He will be going away, but encouraging them not to fear because they knew how to get there. As you may imagine, the Disciples had plenty of reason to be afraid!! Their world was being turned upside down by Jesus' news!! He was supposed to be this great King and save them all, but here He was preparing to leave!! What were they going to do now!!?? We may feel a similar angst in the confusion of our lives and the direction were headed. But you know what, Jesus would say exactly the same thing to us as He said to them. "I go to prepare a place for you..." The language Jesus was using here was the familiar language of Jewish Engagement. In that culture, when a couple were betrothed, the husband would leave and literally add on to his father's house in order to prepare a place for himself and his bride. Then he would come back and they would have the ceremony. The man and wife became official heirs to the family fortune, whatever that might have looked like. In using this language, Jesus was also maintaining the integrity of the idea of Temple. It was always God's design to have Heaven and Earth together. (look back to Exodus at the design of the Temple and compare it to the Earth) We also see this integrity being held up in John 2:16 when Jesus clears the money-changers out of the Temple.
The Disciples understood the concept of Jesus' words, but not their full meaning. How were they expected to know the way if they didn't even know the where?? But Jesus goes on to explain that as well... "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life..." As long as they believed in Him, they had their "tickets" to the game as it were. Or invitations to the Wedding is probably a more apt comparison. We tend to chase after things in this life that we think will put us on the right path to success or fulfillment by bargaining w/God or building our lives around religion, families, careers, etc... The fact is, none of that is ever going to bring us the peace and joy of a relationship with Jesus. Being a New Englander, it makes me think of the classic saying, "You can't get there from here!!" lol
While Jesus was not a "map" in the literal sense of paper and ink, His life shows us what our lives should look like if we're on the right road to Heaven. Some people think there are many paths to God, but the Bible makes it abundantly clear, that there is only One True Path. The only difference lies in how we locate Jesus. He shows us what it looks like to be faithful to the Covenant relationship with the Father. In this way, He reveals the path in the same way a map shows paths to and from different points. Jesus' purpose is to restore our connection with the Father. Like a compass, He is the Orienting Center to all of life. (Jn. 1:1-3)
As we embrace God's love, truth, and life; we will find ourselves fulfilled, flourishing, and alive at our deepest, truest level. We will find peace and purpose.
We can sometimes pay so much attention to Jesus' WORDS that we neglect to pay attention to His WAYS -- Jesus made a habit of getting away and getting quiet. He "got off the hamster wheel." There are 3 ways in which we might apply this to our lives --
-- Daily Rhythms - prayer and scripture Even 5 or 10 minutes counts!!
-- Weekly Rhythms - entire day of rest And which day you choose is totally up to you. Jesus is our Sabbath, so worship as you will. (Mk. 3:27)
-- Monthly Rhythms - make time for God by going for a walk, hike, fishing, fellowship, etc...
God Bless!!
